Since 2021 Eisbach Riders from Munich is a member of the environmental alliance 1% for the Planet. We are committed to giving back a little more to conserving the planet’s natural resources while also decreasing our impact in other areas.
For those who haven’t heard about 1% for the planet – or may not be exactly sure what the alliance is about – we’ve put together this guide explaining its impact, as well as how you can help it expand.
What is 1% for the Planet?
The alliance is exactly what the name describes – companies and brands donate at least 1% of their annual sales to support environmental causes. The resources donated by the companies go directly to non-profit organizations, which then protect nature and its resources from damage or depletion. Since its founding in 2002, the 1% for the Planet alliance now includes 3,000 organizational members. Those members include brands like Patagonia, Honest Tea and non-profits such as the Surfrider Foundation and Protect Our Winters.

Companies that are a part of the alliance can donate other things besides money – ¼ of the donation can come in form of employee volunteering, while another ¼ may be in the form of promotional support. With this support from companies, 1% for the Planet aims to solve environmental issues with their collective power.
The philosophy of the alliance is built around the fact that most companies take something from the earth to stay in business. The alliance helps these companies that understand the importance of protecting natural resources, to return the favor to the planet in the form of environmentally focused NGO support.
While an entire company can join 1% for the Planet, separate brands within an organization, or just its individual product lines, can become members too.
These companies aren’t just a group of donors – the alliance creates a network of sustainably-minded businesses and makes them part of a bigger effort, acknowledging their contribution to lowering the environmental impact with a 1% for the Planet certification. We’re thrilled that Eisbach Riders is part of the alliance.
Issues 1% for the Planet is tackling
So, how exactly is 1% for the Planet making our world a greener place? They divide their efforts into several different categories.
- Firstly, they focus on tackling climate change by collaborating with organizations to help lower our carbon footprint. They define tackling climate change as a critical effort, crucial for conserving the natural beauty of our planet.
- Other efforts of the alliance focus on maintaining and creating a healthy and reliable food supply for all. This is especially important as the population continues to rise.
- Land management is another issue the alliance is tackling, sustaining the diverse ecosystems our planet possesses. This also includes the protection of the land rights of indigenous communities.
- The next issue 1% for the Planet is tackling is pollution and toxic emissions – both in the air and water. They focus both on cleaning up existing pollution and preventing new toxic substances from being released.
- Water is a vital resource all of us need – and the alliance makes sure it stays protected and access to safe water is granted to all.
- The recent decades have seen an unprecedented decline in biodiversity and wildlife finds itself more and more threatened by human activity. The alliance makes sure to protect it from this damage and maintain the biodiversity we still have.
How you can get involved
If you’re not an organization’s CEO, you may be wondering how you can get involved in 1% for the Planet – but on an individual level. Thankfully the alliance also provides membership for individuals. Therefore, aside from making more conscious buying choices from companies like Eisbach Riders, you can also become a member and reduce your environmental impact that way.

Just like businesses, individuals can choose to donate 1% of their income to environmental causes they care most about – and similarly, this donated resource doesn’t always need to be monetary. Individual members are offered the option of giving their entire donation in the form of volunteer support of at least 16 hours per year or combining this with monetary support.
If 1% for the Planet sounds like something you’d like to support, buy from a member business or become an individual member of the alliance today!